Video Overlay Generator (2015 update)

This software is designed to capture the time from C840 timers and display it in a form suitable for overlaying onto a television picture.
Class number, competitor number, faults and a sponsor’s message can also be displayed as required (they are entered using the computer keyboard and are not captured from the timer).
The layout of the screen and fonts and colours can be edited before the competition.

This is evaluation software supplied free of charge for you to try and for you to use. We intend to expand the scope of the software to provide a full results database with the option of feeding a list of leaders as well as the current competitor to video screens.

This version is supplied on as ‘as is’ basis and carries no warranties of any kind.

Instalation of the software makes NO changes to your computer’s registry and it can be completely uninstalled simply by deleting the program folder.

To download v0.21 click here, select ‘Save As’, save to your desktop and then run the file egTimerInstall.exe from your desktop. If you get a warning message, click ‘more info’, then click ‘Run Anyway’.

To view the help file, click here.

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